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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Multimodal method for data collection in complex marketing research and business intelligence
Author Klicek, B. F., Begicevic, N., Geric, S.
Year 2005
Access date 13.10.2005

This article describes a new method of complex research which is using multimodal technologies for data collection and communication channels in the field of marketing and social sciences as well to reach large and versatile survey sample. This method is also some specific form of information collection particularly suited for business intelligence. An overview and design principles are given how to implement this complex method from simpler present methods. General principles are how to reach all the necessary profiles, in prompt manner and in different circumstances. Also, the article is concentrated with the data correctness and proper profile sampling, as the promotion and motivation of survey persons. This method is illustrated with the Green patrol, an ecological action with the mass public participation, organized as a part of E!2584 Ulixes – Intelligent Tourist Organization project. This pilot project researches the present state of environment and particular incidents as well. This action was performed in a local community City of Varazdin in duration of two months at the end of year 2004. Satisfaction with the state and environmental protection is surveyed with web, SMS and MMS, newspaper and classic paper survey questionnaire. Environmental incidents (red points) and positive examples (green points) are collected thru Web, SMS, MMS and thru interactive ecological maps. Article also gives an architecture facility necessary to obtain this function and ideas for further improvement of proposed method.

Access/Direct link Conference (abstract)
Year of publication2005
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - Other (439)
